(Press release) The Chameleon plug-in allows inserting a copied object into a picture in such a way that it adapts to the new color range and blends with the background. Designers would especially appreciate this tool as it allows them to combine images with entirely different color ranges, to create the effect of drawing on a texture surface (crumpled paper, wood, etc), and all that with only a mouse-click.
The new version of AKVIS Chameleon supports 16 bits per channel and allows processing images in color modes RGB, CMYK, Lab and Grayscale. This gives you the opportunity to process images without quality loss. With 16 bit there is more in-between colors and tones and the result is smoother, which is especially important if you prepare photos for printing.
AKVIS offers a 10 day fully functional free trial. Users who tried the previous version of Chameleon and have their version expired, can now test the software again. Registered users of previous versions of AKVIS Chameleon can upgrade to V.3.0 for free. More information about Chameleon is available at the Akvis website.
Retails for $ 69
![example of plugin](http://akvis.com/img/examples/chameleon/butterfly/butterfly-chameleon.jpg)